
Being the oldest of 4 girls can be hard at times, but it’s helped me become who I am. I like to say there’s 2 types of sisters you can get stuck with. The kind that get along and share everything, or the type that fight everday and can’t stand being near one another. At first I thought my sister’s and I fell into that last category. That was until today when I realized we fall into the first (or perhaps right in the middle like most). My sisters and I spent time sharing random thoughts while we laid on the floor eating Cheez-Its. Our hours long conversation today made me realize how important having a sister (or 3) is, and how blessed I am to have each of them in my life. Of course there’s many more fights to happen, but I’m glad to say there’s also many more crazy wonderful moments waiting to happen!! We all drive each other insane, but in the end it’s all worth it and we all love each other (I think;)).

A New Beginning

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

New year new me! One day I felt like I should try something I’ve never done before. So I decided to start a blog. And I felt like 2017 was my year to do so. I’m not sure what excalty I want to blog about, but I want it to be something everyone can relate to. Something everyone can look to for advice. I’ve always wanted to leave an input on people’s lives, but I’ve just recently started taking action to do so. I guess that’s what I want my blog to be about, leaving an input on people’s lives.